Visual Art Enduring Understandings (source: ODE):

Creating UbD: 1) Try new things, make mistakes and learn from them. 2) Engage in art creation and problem-solving. 3) Develop compositional skills via ideation and revision.

Performing UbD: 1) Make artwork incorporating the feedback process. 2) Learn to use tools, materials, and artistic conventions. 3) Develop craftsmanship via application of selected design principles.

Responding UbD: 1) Evaluate what works/what does not in art pieces. 2) Reflect on the art process and skill goals. 3) Learn about varied art forms, historical periods, and styles. 

Connecting UbD: 1) Explore cultural contexts of artists and art creations.  2) Explore the interconnectedness of art disciplines. 3) View and discuss artwork.

Studio Habits of Mind Alignment (source: L. Girbino ©2023):